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- Walter held the lands of Ardnandave in Strathyre. This farm borders with the shieling lands of Glen Buckie and Glen Finglas. It is not known if Walter had any descendants. This branch is not mentioned in Stewarts of the South (ca. 1815) or Duncan Stewart's History (1739), so if Walter had any descendants then his line was likely extinct prior to the early 18th century.
The only evidence we have for Walter's existence comes from the following: 16 August 1516. Letters of reversion by Walter Stewart, son of deceased Alexander Stewart, to George Buchanan of Strathir (Strathyre), son and heir of deceased Patrick Buchanan of that ilk, over lands of Arnadawf (Ardnandave) in barony of Strathyre, sheriffdom of Perth, redemption to be made on high altar of the Rude Kirk of Stirling. (Breadalbane Muniments c/o Gordon MacGregor, The Red Book of Scotland)