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- The family of James Stewart and Janet McFarlane are identified through OPRs as the only viable birth family for John Stewart in Wards of Goodie. (See notes on son, John, for further explanation.)
It seems likely that he is the James Stewart, in Ward of Goodie, mentioned in the Port of Menteith OPR as having died 20 Apr 1817 with funeral costs of £6.
The following families are found in the Kincardine OPR as possible additional relationships for James Stewart, none of which impact the onomastic matching for the primary marriage shown here:James Stewart and Elizabeth Stewart. Married 1756 March 13th, James and Elizabeth Stewarts both in this parish listed for proclamation in order to marriage.
1. Janet, daur to James Stewart and Elizabeth Stewart. 1757 March 20
James Stewart and Janet/Mary McEwen (no marriage)
1. Catharine, daugr to James Stewart and Janet McEwen. 1765 Septr 1st
2. Jas, son to Jas Stewart and Mary McEwan at Thornhill. 1767 Augst 9th
James Stewart and Isobell Dunn - Thornhill, married 1778 May 16, James Stewart in this parish and Isobel Dun in Dunblane.
1. ___, daugr to James Stewart and ___. 1779 May 17
2. Helen, daugr to James Stewart and Isobell Dunn, Thornhill. 1781July 15
3. James, son to James Stewart and Isobel Dunn. 1783 Novr 16
When searching for a potential birth family for James, there are no viable candidates in the Kincardine OPR and only two viable candidates in the Port of Menteith OPR. The Calziemuck family is preferred as it is located very close to Wards of Goodie, whereas the Drunkie family is too far north and appears to belong to another branch already documented.
John Stewart and Janet McFarlane in Calziemuck (Ruskie) and Bogtown (on the estate of Rednock House) (No marriage record found.)
1. John M 26/3/1727 John Janet McFarlane in Calziemuck W: John S
2. Margaret F 9/3/1729 John Janet McFarlane in Calliemuck
3. Isobell F 28/3/1731 John Janet McFarlan in the ?? Kallimuck
4. Agnes F 21/2/1735 John Janet McFarlane in Calliemuck
5. James M 7/6/1736 John Janet McFarlane in Calliemuck
6. Andrew M 29/8/1742 John Janet McFarlane in Calliemuck W: John S
7. Thomas M 17/4/1748 John Janet McFarlane in Bogtown (Rednock House)
8. William M 4/2/1750 John Janet McFarlane in Bogtown (Rednock House)
John Stewart and Margaret McFarlane (too far north)
1. James M 31/3/1743 John Margaret McFarlane in Drunky
2. (blank) M 26/3/1748 John ___ McFarlan in Drunkie
3. Mary F 7/7/1751 John Margaret McFarlane in Easter Dullater
4. Alexander M 23/11/1755 John Margaret McFarlane in Dullater