Ryk Brown's Genealogy Database and Stewarts of Balquhidder

The Stewarts of Balquhidder Research Group

The Brown Family from Tandragee, Armagh, Ireland


Bellflower, McLean, Illinois, USA


Latitude: 40.34, Longitude: -88.527


Matches 1 to 6 of 6

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 McIntyre, Clyde Francisco  30 Aug 1908Bellflower, McLean, Illinois, USA I22124
2 McIntyre, Delmar Willis  22 Oct 1914Bellflower, McLean, Illinois, USA I10072
3 McIntyre, Freda Lorelei  12 Apr 1901Bellflower, McLean, Illinois, USA I10053
4 McIntyre, Gaylord F.  1903Bellflower, McLean, Illinois, USA I10054
5 McIntyre, Harry I  24 Nov 1910Bellflower, McLean, Illinois, USA I10057
6 McIntyre, Walter Theodore  20 Feb 1910Bellflower, McLean, Illinois, USA I10217


Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Died    Person ID 
1 McIntyre, Clyde Francisco  6 Jul 1932Bellflower, McLean, Illinois, USA I22124


Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Buried    Person ID 
1 McIntyre, Clyde Francisco  Bellflower, McLean, Illinois, USA I22124


Matches 1 to 41 of 41

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Residence    Person ID 
1 Fletcher, Verna Emma  1920Bellflower, McLean, Illinois, USA I6102
2 Francisco, Ida Lourine  1910Bellflower, McLean, Illinois, USA I6181
3 Johnson, Zella May  1910Bellflower, McLean, Illinois, USA I8311
4 Johnson, Zella May  1920Bellflower, McLean, Illinois, USA I8311
5 Jordan, Isabelle  1900Bellflower, McLean, Illinois, USA I8389
6 Jordan, Isabelle  1920Bellflower, McLean, Illinois, USA I8389
7 Keefer, Minnie Belle  1900Bellflower, McLean, Illinois, USA I8423
8 McIntyre, Allan  1900Bellflower, McLean, Illinois, USA I10127
9 McIntyre, Allan  1910Bellflower, McLean, Illinois, USA I10127
10 McIntyre, Allan  1920Bellflower, McLean, Illinois, USA I10127
11 McIntyre, Clyde Francisco  1910Bellflower, McLean, Illinois, USA I22124
12 McIntyre, Clyde Francisco  1920Bellflower, McLean, Illinois, USA I22124
13 McIntyre, Delmar Willis  1920Bellflower, McLean, Illinois, USA I10072
14 McIntyre, Euphemia  1900Bellflower, McLean, Illinois, USA I10084
15 McIntyre, Euphemia  1910Bellflower, McLean, Illinois, USA I10084
16 McIntyre, Freda Lorelei  1920Bellflower, McLean, Illinois, USA I10053
17 McIntyre, Gaylord F.  1910Bellflower, McLean, Illinois, USA I10054
18 McIntyre, Gaylord F.  1920Bellflower, McLean, Illinois, USA I10054
19 McIntyre, Harry I  1920Bellflower, McLean, Illinois, USA I10057
20 McIntyre, Hugh Monroe Jr.  1900Bellflower, McLean, Illinois, USA I10060
21 McIntyre, Hugh Monroe Jr.  1920Bellflower, McLean, Illinois, USA I10060
22 McIntyre, Hugh Monroe Jr.  1950Bellflower, McLean, Illinois, USA I10060
23 McIntyre, Hugh Munro  1870Bellflower, Mclean, Illinois, USA I10181
24 McIntyre, Hugh Munro  1900Bellflower, McLean, Illinois, USA I10181
25 Mcintyre, Katharyn  1900Bellflower, McLean, Illinois, USA I10094
26 McIntyre, Keefer  1910Bellflower, McLean, Illinois, USA I10171
27 McIntyre, Keefer  1920Bellflower, McLean, Illinois, USA I10171
28 McIntyre, Mary S.  1900Bellflower, McLean, Illinois, USA I10225
29 McIntyre, Robert  1900Bellflower, McLean, Illinois, USA I10247
30 McIntyre, Robert  1910Bellflower, McLean, Illinois, USA I10247
31 McIntyre, Robert  1920Bellflower, McLean, Illinois, USA I10247
32 McIntyre, Stewart Paul  1910Bellflower, McLean, Illinois, USA I10214
33 McIntyre, Stewart Paul  1920Bellflower, McLean, Illinois, USA I10214
34 McIntyre, Walter Theodore  1910Bellflower, McLean, Illinois, USA I10217
35 McIntyre, Walter Theodore  1920Bellflower, McLean, Illinois, USA I10217
36 McIntyre, Wilbur Allan  1910Bellflower, McLean, Illinois, USA I10218
37 McIntyre, Wilbur Allan  1920Bellflower, McLean, Illinois, USA I10218
38 McIntyre, Zelia E  1900Bellflower, McLean, Illinois, USA I10219
39 McIntyre, Zelia E  1910Bellflower, McLean, Illinois, USA I10219
40 McIntyre, Zelia E  1920Bellflower, McLean, Illinois, USA I10219
41 Stewart, Catharine  1870Bellflower, Mclean, Illinois, USA I15213


Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Family    Married    Family ID 
1 / McIntyre  10 Sep 1902Bellflower, McLean, Illinois, USA F7501

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