Ryk Brown's Genealogy Database and Stewarts of Balquhidder

The Stewarts of Balquhidder Research Group

The Brown Family from Tandragee, Armagh, Ireland


Halton, Lancashire, England


Latitude: 54.0774, Longitude: -2.7671


Matches 1 to 23 of 23

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 Angus, Cecil John  5 Jul 1902Halton, Lancashire, England I20727
2 Angus, Edith  6 Jun 1908Halton, Lancashire, England I20729
3 Angus, Eric Dundonald  3 Jan 1900Halton, Lancashire, England I472
4 Angus, James Edward  8 Jun 1910Halton, Lancashire, England I20720
5 Angus, Lily  8 Dec 1897Halton, Lancashire, England I20726
6 Angus, Margaret Annie  19 Oct 1906Halton, Lancashire, England I23235
7 Angus, Rose Valentine  1904Halton, Lancashire, England I20728
8 Angus, Thomas Lowther  11 Jul 1900Halton, Lancashire, England I375
9 Burrow, Clara  Abt 1899Halton, Lancashire, England I23232
10 Burrow, Ellen  Abt 1901Halton, Lancashire, England I23234
11 Burrow, Elsie  Abt 1897Halton, Lancashire, England I23231
12 Burrow, Henry  Abt 1900Halton, Lancashire, England I23233
13 Burrow, Thomas  Abt 1896Halton, Lancashire, England I23248
14 Crossfield, John  Abt 1851Halton, Lancashire, England I23200
15 Crossfield, Nora  1896Halton, Lancashire, England I3090
16 Dowbiggin, Jane  1868Halton, Lancashire, England I5104
17 Dugdale, Mary Ann  Abt 1852Halton, Lancashire, England I23201
18 Stockdale, Arthur  1898Halton, Lancashire, England I18556
19 Stockdale, Gladys  1902Halton, Lancashire, England I23194
20 Stockdale, John  1870Halton, Lancashire, England I18557
21 Stockdale, Richard  1893Halton, Lancashire, England I18558
22 Stockdale, Violet  1907Halton, Lancashire, England I23195
23 Stockdale, William  1892Halton, Lancashire, England I18559


Matches 1 to 2 of 2

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Died    Person ID 
1 Angus, Eric Dundonald  7 May 1909Halton, Lancashire, England I472
2 Roberts, Jane Ann  15 Dec 1902Halton, Lancashire, England I20669


Matches 1 to 2 of 2

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Baptism    Person ID 
1 Angus, Eric Dundonald  20 May 1900Halton, Lancashire, England I472
2 Angus, Thomas Lowther  19 Aug 1900Halton, Lancashire, England I375


Matches 1 to 42 of 42

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Residence    Person ID 
1 Angus, Arthur  Halton, Lancashire, England I465
2 Angus, Arthur  1911Halton, Lancashire, England I465
3 Angus, Cecil John  1911Halton, Lancashire, England I20727
4 Angus, Edith  1911Halton, Lancashire, England I20729
5 Angus, Elizabeth  Halton, Lancashire, England I499
6 Angus, Elizabeth  1911Halton, Lancashire, England I499
7 Angus, Herbert Arthur  1911Halton, Lancashire, England I23261
8 Angus, Horace George  1911Halton, Lancashire, England I23236
9 Angus, Pte. James Dowbiggin  1901Halton, Lancashire, England I363
10 Angus, Pte. James Dowbiggin  1911Halton, Lancashire, England I363
11 Angus, James Edward  1911Halton, Lancashire, England I20720
12 Angus, John  Halton, Lancashire, England I394
13 Angus, John  1901Halton, Lancashire, England I394
14 Angus, John  1911Halton, Lancashire, England I394
15 Angus, Lily  1911Halton, Lancashire, England I20726
16 Angus, Margaret Annie  1911Halton, Lancashire, England I23235
17 Angus, Rose Valentine  1911Halton, Lancashire, England I20728
18 Angus, Sarah Alice  Halton, Lancashire, England I373
19 Angus, Thomas Lowther  1911Halton, Lancashire, England I375
20 Angus, William III  1911Halton, Lancashire, England I37
21 Angus, William Henry Jr.  Halton, Lancashire, England I40
22 Angus, William Henry Jr.  1911Halton, Lancashire, England I40
23 Burrow, Edward  Halton, Lancashire, England I23247
24 Crossfield, Nora  1911Halton, Lancashire, England I3090
25 Dowbiggin, Jane  Halton, Lancashire, England I5104
26 Dowbiggin, Jane  1901Halton, Lancashire, England I5104
27 Dowbiggin, Jane  1911Halton, Lancashire, England I5104
28 Dugdale, Mary Ann  1911Halton, Lancashire, England I23201
29 Harrison, Jane  1881Halton, Lancashire, England I23181
30 Harrison, Thomas B.  1881Halton, Lancashire, England I23180
31 Harrison, William Thomas  1881Halton, Lancashire, England I7708
32 Lunt, Mary Elizabeth  Halton, Lancashire, England I9570
33 Lunt, Mary Elizabeth  1911Halton, Lancashire, England I9570
34 Stockdale, Arthur  1911Halton, Lancashire, England I18556
35 Stockdale, Gladys  1911Halton, Lancashire, England I23194
36 Stockdale, John  Halton, Lancashire, England I18557
37 Stockdale, John  1911Halton, Lancashire, England I18557
38 Stockdale, Richard  1911Halton, Lancashire, England I18558
39 Stockdale, Violet  1911Halton, Lancashire, England I23195
40 Stockdale, William  1911Halton, Lancashire, England I18559
41 Taylor, Mary Collinson  Halton, Lancashire, England I9569
42 Taylor, Mary Collinson  1911Halton, Lancashire, England I9569


Matches 1 to 4 of 4

   Family    Married    Family ID 
1 Angus / Dowbiggin  28 Jul 1892Halton, Lancashire, England F106
2 Angus / Lunt  15 Jul 1896Halton, Lancashire, England F6
3 Burrow / Angus  19 Oct 1893Halton, Lancashire, England F7886
4 Crossfield / Dugdale  27 Sep 1877Halton, Lancashire, England F7869

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