The Tait Family in Puslinch, Wellington County, Ontario, Canada
And their ancestors in Northumberland, England
The information on this page has not been updated since 2010.
It has been copy/pasted from my old Rootsweb site.
Links below may be out-of-date. is shutting down access to all old Rootsweb sites starting January 2024, so I have had to hastily copy this information here before I lose access to my old site.
I am in the process of updating the information from of my old website. I cannot provide a timeline for when this page will be updated as this is a hobby which I work on in my spare time. In the meantime, you can view my old information below.
The Origin of the Surname Tait
The name Tait appears to have originated in Berwickshire in the border country of Scotland and their ancestral roots can be traced back to Bernician origin prior to the year 1100. (Bernicia was one of the ancient Saxon kingdoms of Britain located in the area of present-day Northumberland.) Tait was originally a nickname probably of Old Norse origin, deriving from the word teitr, meaning “glad” or “cheerful”. As a proper name, ‘Teitr’, occurs several times in the Icelandic Landnamabok. Lowland Scots and English occurrences of the name can be found as early as the 14th century.
Scots/English Border Reivers

Tait is a known Border Reiver name. The Border Reivers were a group of lawless thieves and bandits who ravaged the lands on either side of the Scottish/English border. Political boundaries held little meaning to them and they ravaged as freely in southern Scotland as in northern England. The Taits are believed to be a sept of the Kerr clan, but they may also have been affiliated with the Angus or McInnis Clan (McInnis is Gaelic for “son of Angus”).
The following is excerpted from The Steel Bonnets (1971) by George MacDonald Frazer. (edited)
The Taits, among others, were considered one of the Frontier Riding Families. The Border Reivers were aggressive, ruthless, robbers, marauders, plunderers, violent people, notoriously quick on the draw, ready and occasionally eager to kill in action, when life or property or honour was at stake. The Border Reivers, both English and Scottish, feuded continuously. Robbery and blackmail were everyday professions and raiding, arson, kidnapping, murder and extortion were an important part of their social system. It was a way of life pursued in peace time, by people who accepted it as normal. It meant that no householder in all the Marches could go to sleep secure; no beast or cattle could be left unguarded.
In 1511, Sir Robert Kerr, leader of the Kerr Clan, was Warden of the Middle March. Kerr was murdered by three Englishmen. Two were arrested and the third fled to York where he lived in constant fear. Two of Kerr’s followers, named Tait, made their way south, sometimes apparently in disguise, murdered the fugitive in his home, and brought his head back for public display.
Did our Tait family descend from the notorious Tait clan who were Borderland Reivers? Most likely, yes. But we may never know for sure. We have another two hundred years of history to cover before we can be certain. But we can probably safely assume that our Tait family has deep roots in the areas of Northumberland, England and Berwickshire, Scotland.
Leonard Tait and Jane Ord of the Borderlands
Leonard Tait was born in 1818 in England, but it is not certain where. According to his gravestone he was born in Northumberland. The 1841 England census shows him living in Byker, Northumberland but says he was born *outside* the county. One of these sources must be incorrect. A Northumberland birth is presently preferred, possibly near Norham or Etal. Leonard’s future wife, Jane Ord, came from Coldstream in Berwickshire, Scotland. Although Coldstream and Norham are in two different countries, they are actually located less than five miles apart on opposite banks of the Lower Tweed River, which forms the border between Scotland and England. In this Borders Region, borders had little meaning to the local inhabitants.
No marriage record has yet been found for Leonard Tait and Jane Ord, so it is not known if they were married in Berwickshire, Scotland, where Jane was from, or in Northumberland, England, where Leonard was from. It is most likely that Leonard married Jane Ord prior to emigrating because census records claim their first child, John, was born in 1841 in England (but those same census records also show their second child incorrectly as being born in England.)
As the Taits were Presbyterian and considered themselves to be of Scottish ethnicity (even though they came from Northumberland, England) it is believed they were most likely associated with the Presbyterian church in Northumberland, rather than the established Anglican church. Very few Presbyterian church records from Northumberland are available on-line thus researching this family from overseas is slow and difficult. It must be noted that baptism records for most of the Northumberland Taits shown below under Research Leads also have not been found, suggesting that they too were Presbyterians.
The Tait Family in Puslinch
Leonard Tait immigrated to Canada sometime between 1841-1844, the exact date is not known. By 1844 Leonard and Jane were living in Beauharnois Canal, Ch�teauguay Valley, Huntingdon County, Quebec, Canada. They appear to have lived there not long, just long enough for the birth of their second child, Mary, and possibly their third, Elizabeth. Another Ord family has been found in the Ch�teauguay records matching the description of Jane’s uncle John Ord, so it is possible that Leonard and Jane followed Jane’s uncle and stayed with or near him, however this has not been verified.
By 1848 they had left Quebec and were living in Central Ontario. In 1848 their fourth child was born in Beverly Township, Wentworth County, Ontario. Another family of Taits originating from the Scottish Borders has been found in the Beverly Township records, so it is possible that Leonard and Jane may again have followed and stayed with relatives upon arriving in Ontario. However, at present, no relationship has been confirmed between our Taits and the other Taits in Beverly.
By 1851 Leonard and Jane had finally settled on their own property just a few miles northeast of Beverly, in the next county just east of the village of Morriston in Puslinch Township, Wellington County, Ontario where they raised the rest of their family. It is at this time that the rest of Jane’s family, the Ord Family in Puslinch, are found living next door. It is possible that Jane’s family may have waiting until Leonard and Jane were settled and then followed on.
Leonard and Jane seem to have settled down in Puslinch where they remained for sixteen years — this would be the longest time they would spend in one place for their entire marriage.
Leonard Tait had trained as a blacksmith back in England as had his father-in-law, Robert Ord, back in Scotland. It’s possible that Leonard may have apprenticed with his father-in-law or their mutual trade could simply be a coincidence. After arriving in Puslinch, it appears that Leonard did not have the opportunity to work at his trade (neither did his father-in-law, Robert Ord), either that or he chose to work primarily as a farmer on the Ord farm, perhaps to help get his family established.
In 1867 Leonard and Jane, along with their children, moved to the nearby industrial city of Hamilton, Ontario, where prospects for a blacksmith were much better. Leonard was able to find work as a blacksmith for the Great Western Railroad — this was the major east-west rail link between New York, Buffalo and Chicago and the opening western states and provinces. Unfortunately Leonard was not long with the railroad. Leonard Tait died four years later in 1871 at the age of 53 followed by his wife Jane in 1872 at the age of 57. Three of their younger children, Robert (age 20), David (age 18), and Margaret (age 15) were still living at home. Leonard and Jane along with their daughter Elizabeth are all buried in Crown Cemetery in Puslinch.
It was at this time that the eldest daughter, Mary Tait, and her husband Hugh Stewart moved to Hamilton from Puslinch and took Mary’s younger Tait siblings into their home.
Leonard TAIT was born in 1815 (according to census records) or 1818 (according to his gravestone) in England (probably Northumberland). He married ABT 1841 probably in Northumberland, England or Berwickshire, Scotland to Jane ORD, although no record of their marriage has been found. Jane Ord was born 21 JUL 1815 in Eccles, Berwickshire, Scotland Jane’s birth family can be found on the Ord Family in Puslinch page. They had the following children:
John TAIT b: 1841 in England or Quebec, Canada. No birth record has been found for him. 1851/61 census records show John as being born in 1841 in England, but the 1841 census shows his father, Leonard, living in Northumberland, England with no family, and his mother cannot be found in the 1841 census. Thus John must have been born after June 1841 when the census was taken. John is not found in the 1871 or 1881 Canadian census records. A possible match exists in the 1880 census for Ohio, however this is quite speculative. It’s also possible that John Tait died before 1880/81. John has now been found in 1871 residing in Elora, Wellington Centre, Ontario, shown as born 1843 in England, Canadian Presbyterian, Scotch, Teacher, with wife Jane, 35, born Ontario.
- John L TAIT, b 1867 in Ontario
- Jane Eliza TAIT, b 1869 in Ontario
Mary TAIT b: 5 JAN 1844 in Beauharnois Canal, Ch�teauguay Valley, Huntingdon County, Quebec, Canada. Some early census records erroneously indicate that Mary was born in England. Mary married on 17 SEP 1868 in Hamilton, Wentworth, Ontario to Hugh STEWART, b: ABT 1840 in Puslinch Township, Wellington County, Ontario. Hugh Stewart was from the Comrie Stewarts of Puslinch family and the story of his birth family can be found on that page. Hugh Stewart had a first cousin, Robert Stewart who married Mary’s sister, Margaret Tait, below. The story of Mary and Hugh’s family is continued on the Stewarts of Hamilton Page. Their children were:
Robert Albert STEWART b: 1 OCT 1869 in Hamilton, Wentworth, Ontario. He died young
Leonard Tait STEWART b: 2 NOV 1871 in Hamilton, Wentworth, Ontario. His descendants are presented on the Stewarts of Hamilton Page.
Jane Ord STEWART b: 26 SEP 1875 in Hamilton, Wentworth, Ontario. Her descendants are presented on the Stewarts of Hamilton Page.
James Gillespie STEWART b: 28 OCT 1877 in Hamilton, Wentworth, Ontario. He died young.
Maggie STEWART b: OCT 1880 in Hamilton, Wentworth, Ontario. She died as a child.
David Tait STEWART b: 24 JAN 1883 in Hamilton, Wentworth, Ontario. He died in infancy.
Elizabeth TAIT b: JUL 1844 in Quebec, Canada, however her birth record has not been found. Some early census records erroneously indicate that Elizabeth was born in England. She died in 1864 at the age of 20 in Puslinch, Wellington, County, Ontario and never married.
Jane TAIT b: 12 JUL 1848 in Beverly Township, Wentworth County, Ontario (according to Duff’s Church records). She married Alexander CAMPBELL, a school teacher from Puslinch. Like her school teaching brother Leonard, Jane and Alex moved to eastern Ontario, specifically the village of Arnprior, Renfrew South, on the Ottawa River, just west of the city of Ottawa. Then, with Leonard, they also moved to Victoria, British Columbia. They had the following children:
Milton D. CAMPBELL b: 30 NOV 1870 in Ontario. He married in British Columbia to Bella, whose surname is unknown. They had the following known child and possibly others:
- Jessie J. CAMPBELL b: 6 DEC 1900 in Vancouver, British Columbia.
- Leonard Dex CAMPBELL b: 18 JUL 1871 in Ontario. He was a school teacher, like his father. In 1901 he was living with his widowed mother and younger siblings in Victoria, British Columbia.
- Robert Ord CAMPBELL b:1873 in Ontario.
- Cecilia E. CAMPBELL b:1875 in Ontario.
- Jane CAMPBELL b:1877 in Ontario.
- Lilian CAMPBELL b:1880 in Ontario.
- Mamie CAMPBELL b:30 AUG 1883 in Ontario.
- Maggie CAMPBELL b:30 AUG 1883 in Ontario.
- Alexander CAMPBELL b:19 NOV 1885 in Ontario.
- Hugh CAMPBELL b: 2 SEP 1888 in Ontario.
Robert TAIT, born 11 AUG 1851 in Puslinch Township, Wellington County, Ontario. He went into business with his brother-in-law, Hugh Stewart (above), as partners in Tait & Stewart Grocers in Hamilton. Census records show Robert’s occupation as “commercial truck driver”, so perhaps he handled the deliveries for the store. Robert later moved to London, Middlesex County, Ontario where he married ABT 1881 to Margaret A. MCFARLAIN, b: 2 AUG 1852 in Ontario. They had the following children:
Leonard TAIT b: 9 AUG 1882 in London, Middlesex, Ontario
Albert Edward TAIT b: 20 JUN 1884 in London, Middlesex, Ontario
Edith Pearl TAIT b: 27 OCT 1885 in London, Middlesex, Ontario
Bertha M. TAIT b: 28 DEC 1887 in London, Middlesex, Ontario
Robert H. TAIT b: 8 NOV 1889 in London, Middlesex, Ontario
Olive R. O. TAIT b: 24 JAN 1890 in London, Middlesex, Ontario
Margaret B. TAIT b: 11 DEC 1893 in London, Middlesex, Ontario
David TAIT b: 1852 in Puslinch Township, Wellington County, Ontario. He remained in Hamilton and became a shoemaker. David married sometime BEF 1884 to a woman named Mary, whose surname is unknown. The 1885 Hamilton Directory lists a “Mrs. Mary Tait (widow of David)”, so it appears that David may have died in 1884.
Leonard TAIT (Jr) b: 26 JUN 1853 in Morriston, Puslinch Township, Wellington County, Ontario married in 1873 in Elora, Wellington County, Ontario to Agnes MIDDLETON, b: 11 APR 1855 in Ontario. They moved to Madoc, Hastings County, Ontario and later to Victoria, British Columbia where Leonard became an esteemed schoolteacher and local businessman. Some of their descendants later returned to Ontario. Leonard and Agnes had the following children. This branch is being researched by David Nason and Shelagh Greenaway.
James Leonard TAIT b: 21 JAN 1875 in Madoc, Hastings County, Ontario who married Alice SMITH. It is not known if they had children.
David Spragge TAIT b: 11 DEC 1878 in Madoc, Hastings County, Ontario married on 1 JAN 1912 in Victoria, British Columbia to Emily Margaret JOHNSTON. They had the following children:
Shelagh Denise TAIT b: 1913 in Victoria, British Columbia
Eileen TAIT b: ABT 1916 in Victoria, British Columbia
Robert John Compton TAIT b: 22 JUN 1919 in Victoria, British Columbia
George Leslie TAIT b: 7 MAY 1880 in Ontario. Me may have later moved to Quincy, Illinois, United States, where he was a police detective.
Mary M. TAIT b: 3 NOV 1883 in Ontario
Ernest L. TAIT b: 27 JAN 1886 in Ontario
Edwin S. TAIT b: 4 FEB 1889 in Ontario
Frank J. TAIT b: 31 AUG 1890 in Victoria, Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Hazel E. TAIT b: 8 MAR 1894 in Victoria, Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Amy Cecile TAIT b: 28 OCT 1896 in Victoria, Vancouver Island, British Columbia who married Edward Francis NASON and had the following child:
Donal O. NASON b: Private
Harold TAIT b: 9 DEC 1900 in Victoria, Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Margaret Anne TAIT b: 2 MAY 1857 in Puslinch Township, Wellington County, Upper Canada Colony, British North America who married in 1882 in Hamilton, Wentworth, Ontario to Robert STEWART. Robert was born 2 DEC 1851 in Puslinch Township, Wellington County, Upper Canada as the son of William Stewart and Agnes McLean of the Stewarts of Hamilton (follow that link for more information on this family). Robert was a first cousin to Hugh Stewart who married Mary Tait, above. Margaret and Robert had the following children.
John Leonard STEWART b: 19 JUN 1884 in Hamilton, Wentworth County, Ontario
- Edna Jean STEWART b: 1886 in Hamilton, Wentworth, Ontario. She died at 4 months and is buried with her Stewart grandparents.
Robert Roy STEWART b: 8 DEC 1887 in Hamilton, Ontario
Norman Murray STEWART b: MAR 1890 in Hamilton, Wentworth County, Ontario
David Arkell STEWART b: 12 NOV 1891 in Hamilton, Wentworth County, Ontario
Wilbur Tait STEWART b: 6 FEB 1895 in Hamilton, Wentworth County, Ontario
Research Leads
TAIT in Beauharnois, Quebec
This is the only other TAIT family found in Beauharnois.
James TAIT and Euphans DICKSON (possible marriage: James Tait and Elspeth Dickson, m 26 MAY 1795 in Crichton, Midlothian, Scotland)
- David TAIT, b ca 1795, died 1885, aged 90 years, N&S Georgetown Presb., listed in 1851 Agricultural Schedule for Hemmingford, Beauharnois, Quebec, no age given. not found in 1861. 1871 widowed and res w son Charles. 1881 widowed farmer and residing with son Charles. wife Isabella EWART. “David Tait, farmer of the parish of St. Louis de G…, county of Beauharnois, Quebec, born in the parish of Cockpen, (Midlothian), Scotland in January 1796, died on the 9th day of November 1885, in the 90th year of his age and was buried in South Georgetown Presbyterian Burying Ground on the 11th day of November the same year. J.A.F. McBain, Minister, witnessed by James Tait and Charles Tait. David Tait, b 12 JAN 1796 in Cockpen, Midlothian, Scotland, son of James Tait and Euphans Dickson (LDS).
- Euphemia TAIT, spinster of North Georgetown, County of Beauharnois, m 30 APR 1846 to George Campbell of Montreal, James Muir, minister; witnessed by David Tait.
- James TAIT, b 1821 in Scotland, m1? to Eliz. TAIT, wife of James, died 1844, Beauharnois Congregation. wife (2?) Isabella SINTON, 1823-1830 in Scotland, not found 1851; res 1861 in St. Louis, Beauharnois, Quebec, Canada, farmer, Presbyterian; res 1871 in St. Louis, Beauharnois, Quebec. res 1881 in St. Louis de Gonzague, Beauharnois, Quebec, farmer. m 1846 in Georgetown, Church of Scotland to Isabella SINTON. James Tait, farmer and batchelor and Isabella Sinton spinster both of North Georgtown, County of Beauharnois, Canada East, were after due proclamation of Banns joined in the holy bonds of marriage on the twentieth day of March one thousand eight hundred and forty six. James Muir, minister.” Only birth match is James TAIT, bap 30 SEP 1821 in Bedrule, Roxburgh, Scotland, son of David with no mother — not confirmed.
- Jane TAIT, b 1847 in Georgetown, Quebec, with parents in 1861, not in 1871. “Jane Tait, daughter of James Tait farmer and of Isabella Sinton his wife both now residing in North Georgetown, County of Beauharnois, was born December 19th one thousand eight hundred and forty six and baptized February fifteenth one thousand eight hundred and forty seven. James Muir, minister. witnessed by Robert Sinton and David Tait. m 1869 in Valleyfield and St. Louis Presb to James HOWDEN.
- David TAIT, b 1849 in Quebec, with parents 1861, 1871. “James Tait, farmer of St. Louis Seignory of Beauharnois and Isabella Sinton his wife, had a son born on the fourth of November last and baptized on the twentieth? of December on thousand eight hundred and forty eight named David. Walter Roach, minister.” res 1881 next door to his parents establishing his own farm
- Robert TAIT, b 1851 in Quebec, ditto. “James Tait and Isabella Sinton had a lawful son born the twenty sixth February one thousand eight hundred and fifty one and baptized in public the fourth day of may one thousand eight hundred and fifty one, called Robert. James Paul, minister., witnessed by James Tait, father, David Tait, grandfather, Isabella Sinton, mother. St. Louis and Valleyfield C of S.
- Isabella TAIT, b 1853 in Quebec, ditto, St. Louis and Valleyfield C of S. “James Tait and Isabella Sinton had a lawful born daughter the twenty second day of March one thousand eight hundred and fifty three and baptized at their own house the tenty ninth day of June of the same year at the St. Louis de Gonzague, county of Beauharnois, called Isabella.” minister James Paul.
- William TAIT, b 1855 in Quebec, ditto, St. Louis and Valleyfield C of S. James Tait and Isabella Sinton had a lawful son born the first of June, St. Louis de Gonzague county Beauharnois and baptized the twenty second day November, called William (1855).” James Paul, minister.
- Charles TAIT, b 1858, St. Louis and Valleyfield C of S. “Charles Tait, son of James Tait, farmer St Louis de Gonzague and of Isabella Sinton, his wife, was born on the twenty first day of December, one thousand eight hundred and fifty seven and was baptised on the third day of February of the following year. R. Macarthur, minister, English River Church.” “Charles Tait, son of James Tait, farmer River St. Louis, died the twenty seventh day of March aged three months and was buried here this twenty eighth day of March.” James Paul, minister. witnessed by James Tait and David Tait.
- Charles Ewart TAIT, b 1859 in Quebec, ditto, St. Louis and Valleyfield C of S. “Charles Ewart Tait, son of James Tait, farmer St. Louis de Gonzaque, and of Isabella Sinton, his wife, was born on the twenty second day of September one thousand eight hundred and fifty nine and was baptized on the sixth day of November of the same year.” R. MacArthur, minister, witnessed by Robert Whiteford and Andrew Hunter.
- George James TAIT, b 1863 in Beauharnois, Quebec. “James Tait, farmer St. Louis de Gonzague and Isabella Sinton his wife, had a child born on the twenty fourth day of June one thousand eight hundred and sixty two and baptized on the twenty seventh day of July of the same year, named George James. minister illegible (Dryden family were neighbours)
- Barbara Euphemia TAIT, b 1865 in Beauharnois, Quebec, St. Louis and Valleyfield Presb. “Barbara Euphemia, daughter of James Tait, farmer St. Louis de Gonzague and Isabella Sinton his wife was born on the tenth day of June one thousand eight hundred and sixty five and baptised on the thirtieth day of July of the same year.”
- Ellen TAIT, b 1826 in Scotland, “age 40 years, died 1866, N&S Georgetown Presb. (appears to be a spinster). “Ellen Tait, a native of Scotland, died at North Georgetown, county of Beauharnois, Canada East, on the nineteenth of September one thousand eight hundred and sixty sis, aged forty years, and was buried on the twenty second said month and year. James Muir DD, minister. Charles Tait, witness.”
- Charles TAIT, b 24 APR 1834 in Beauharnois, Chateauguay (Protestant Church), “David Tait, farmer of Hind Concession of North Georgetown, Seignory of Beauharnois, and Isabella Ewart, his wife, had a son born on the twenty fourth of April last and baptized on the twenty sixth of July, one thousand eight hundred and thirty four named Charles. Walter Roach, Minister”
Charles TAIT, b 1835 in Quebec, and Catherine FISKIN, b 1844 in Scotland, m 1865 in N&S Georgetown Presb. “Charles Tait, farmer of the parish of St. Louis de Ganzague, county of Beauharnois, Canada East, batchelor and Catherine Fiskin, South Georgetown, county of Chateaugay were by license joined in the holy bonds of matrimony on the twenty ninth of December, one thousand eight hundred and sixty four.” James Muir, DD, minister. In 1878 Charles Tait witnessed the death of John Alexander “a native of Scotland, aged 86 years.” The death was also witnessed by Samuel Alexander. res 1871 in St. Louis, Beauharnois, Quebec, farmer with wife and children and widowed father, David, b 1799 in Scotland. res 1881 in St. Louis de Gonzague, Beauharnois, Quebec, Canada, Can Presb, farmer, residing with widowed father, David Tait, b 1796 in Scotland, farmer.
- David TAIT, b 1866, “David Tait, son of Charles Tait, farmer and Catherine Fiskin his wife, residents in North Georgetown, county of Beauharmois, was born September twenty second, one thousand eight hundred and sixty six and baptised October twenty seventh in the same year. James Muir DD, minister.” N&S Georgetown Pres.; res 1871 with parents
- Isabella Jane TAIT, b 1868, N&S Georgetown, Presb. “Isabella Jane Tait, daughter of Charles Tait, farmer and Catherine Fiskin his wife, was born March fourth one thousand eight hundred and sixty eight and baptised May seventh same year. James Muir DD.” Not with family in 1881. res 1871 with parents
- James TAIT, b 1870, N&S Georgetown Presb. “James Tait, son of Charles Tait, farmer and Catherine Fiskin his wife residents of North Georgetown, county of Beauharnois, prov of Quebec, was born on the twenty sixth of December one thousand eight hundred and sisty nine and was baptized January twenty sixth one thousand eight hundred and seventy. James Muir DD.” res 1871 with parents
- William TAIT, b 1872, Georgetown Presb. “William Tait son of Charles Tait farmer and of Catherine Fiskin his wife both now residing in North Georgetown county of Beauharnois, prov of Quebec, was born on the nineteenth February 1872 and baptised 14 March same year. James Muir DD”
- Catherine Margaret TAIT, b 1874 Georgetown Presb. “Catherine Margaret Tait daughter of Charles tait and of Catherine Fiskin his wife, residents in North Georgetown, county of Beauharnois, PQ, born 22 JAN 1874. James Muir DD”
- Robert George TAIT, b 1876, d 1878 in N&S Georgetown Presb. “Robert George Tait son of Charles Tait farmer, and Catherine Fiskin his wife residents in North Georgtown county of Beauharnois, PQ, was born June fourteenth, 1876 and baptized July sixth same year. James Muir, minister.” “Robert George Tait, son of Charles Tait, farmer, and Catherine Fiskin, his wife, residents in North Georgtown, county of Beauharnois, PQ, died August fourteenth 1878, aged two years and two months and was buried on the sixteenth said month. James Muir, DD, minister.”
- Jessie TAIT, b 1879, N&S Georgetown Presb. “Jessie Tait, daughter of Charles Tait, farmer, and Catherine Fiskin, his wife, residents of North Georgetown, county of Beauharnois, PQ, was born on the 8th day of March 1879 and baptized on the 12th day of April same year. John Muir, DD, minister.” (possibly son of James Muir DD)
- Charles Ewart TAIT, b 1882, N&S Georgetown, Presb. “Charles Ewart son of Charles Tait, farmer, parish of St. Luis de Gonzaq…, county of Beauhharnois, PQ, and of Catherine Fiskin, his wife, was born on the 28th day of November 1881 and baptized on the 31st of January 1882. C.W(M?). Mackeracher, minister.
- Euphemia Grace TAIT, b 1884, N&S Georgetown, Presb. “Euphemia Grace, daughter of Charles Tiat, farmer, of the parish of St. Louis de G…, county of Chateauguay, district of Beauharnois, PQ, and his wife Catherine, maiden name Fiskin, was born on March 15th and baptised on May 8th in the year of our Lord 1884. J.A.F. McBain, minister.
David TAIT and Margaret ALLAN
- John TAIT, b/bap 7/10 SEP 1749 in Lasswade, Midlothian, Scotland
- Adam TAIT, b/b 16/20 OCT 1751 in Lasswade, Midlothian, Scotland
- David TAIT, bap 26 DEC 1756 in Colinton, Midlothian, Scotland
- James TAIT, bap 20 JUL 1760 in Colinton, Midlothian, Scotland. May be the James Tait who married Euphemia Dickson above, however this is purely speculative.
- William TAIT, bap 29 MAY 1763 in Colinton, Midlothian, Scotland
Mary TAIT, “Leonard Tait, blacksmith, Beauharnois Canal, and Jane Ord his wife had a daughter born on the thirteenth and baptized on the twenty eighth of January one thousand eight hundred and forty four named Mary. Walter Roach, Minister.”
Jane TAIT, wife of John FORD, died 1835, Huntington Presbyterian (Valleyfield)
Elizabeth TAIT, m 1856 in Huntingdon Methodist Church to David E OMEY. Elizabeth died 1864, Franklin Methodist.
George TAIT, of West Shefford, Shefford County, and Jane Agnes MENTEITH of North Georgetown, Chateaugay county, m 13 NOV 1863 in N&S Georgetown Presb. James Muir DD, minister
- James Menteith TAIT, 6 DEC 1864 in West Shefford (Anglican)
- Isabella Moor TAIT, 5 FEB 1867 in West Shefford (Anglican)
- Catharine Jessie TAIT, 19 JUN 1871 in ditto
1871 – George TAIT, 34, Scottish, Presbyterian, res Shefford, Shefford, Que, all born Que.
Jane Agnes Tait, 28
- James Monteith Tait, 6
- Isabelle Moor Tait 4
- George Tait 2
Janet TAIT, wife of Francis FARMER?, died 1876, N&S Georgetown Presb.
Alexander TAIT or MCNAUGHTON (son of Mary), died 1876, Huntingdon Presb. “Alexander Tait or McNaughton, a son of Mary Tait of the village of Huntingdon, county of Huntingdon, district of Beauharnois, PQ, died on the twenty ninth day of November, 1876, age 12 (15?) years.” witnessed by Mary Tate (not Tait) possibly not of the above family.
Rosetta TAIT, daughter of David, died 1884, Russeltown Presb. “Rosetta Tait, youngest daughter of David Tait, farmer of Covey Skille and Rosanne his wife, died on the 19th day of July 1884. Wm. H. Geddes, minister. witnessed by David Tate and Carrie M Tate (signed Tate, not Tait)
Henry Robb TAIT, son of David, died 1885, Russeltown Presb.
Matilda Webster TAIT, wife of John Saunders Hemmingford, died on the 8th day of May 1884. witnessed by David TATE and Carrie M TATE. (signed Tate, not Tait) Russeltown Methodist
George TAIT, died 1885, age 77 years, Ormiston Anglican
Cockpen, Midlothian Scotland
“COCKPEN, a parish in the district and county of Edinburgh, Scotland, 7 miles S.E. of Edinburgh. Its length in a northerly direction is 3� miles, and its breadth 2� miles. It is bounded by the parishes of Lasswade, Newbattle, and Carrington, and is traversed for about a mile by the South Esk. The surface, which is for the most part flat, is highly cultivated, and coal and freestone abound. The Marquis of Dalhousie is the principal landowner. Dalhousie Castle and the mansion of Cockpen both belong to the noble family of Ramsay. There is a large powder factory and a paper-mill at Westmill. The Hawick branch of the North British railway passes through the E. part of the parish, and has a station at Dalhousie. This parish is in the presbytery of Dalkeith, and in the patronage of the Marquis of Dalhousie stipend, �157. There is a Free church in the village of Bonnyrigg.” – National Gazetteer 1868
James TAIT in Galt and North Dumfries, Waterloo/Wellington, Ontario
James TAIT b 1815 in Selkirk, Selkirkshire, Scotland, d 17 AUG 1880 in North Dumfries, Waterloo, occ Hosier (seller of stockings), wife Isabella , b 1817 in Selkirk, Selkirkshire, Scotland (res 1891 with sons in Waterloo), res 1881 in Dumfries North, Waterloo South, Ontario, Canada, res 1871 in North Dumfries, Waterloo South, Ontario, Canada, Res 1861 in Ladylaw Palace, Wilton, Roxburghshire, occ wool framework knitter. res 1851 in Ladylaw Palace, Wilton, Roxburghshire, Scotland.
William TAIT, b 1840 in Selkirk, Selkirkshire, Scotland, wife Barbara Douglas b 1843 in Scotland, res 1871 in Galt, nearby to rest of family
Isabella TAIT, b 1864 in Scotland
Margaret TAIT, b 1866 in Scotland
Nellie TAIT, b 1868 in Ontario
Annie TAIT, b JUN 1870 in Galt, South Waterloo (Wellington), Ontario, Canada
James TAIT, b OCT 1873 in South Dumfries, Waterloo, d 30 SEP 1874 in South Dumfries, Waterloo
Elizabeth TAIT, b 1842 in Selkirk, Selkirkshire, Scotland (not found in Canadian records)
Maggie TAIT, b 1844 in Selkirk, Selkirkshire, Scotland
Helen/Ellen TAIT, 1847 in Wilton, Roxburghshire, Scotland
George TAIT, b 8 MAY 1849 in Wilton, Roxburghshire, Scotland, immigrated 1863, farmer
Thomas TAIT, b 1860 in Wilton, Roxburgh, Scotland, d bef 1871
James TAIT, brother, b 12 MAR 1862 in Scotland, immigrated 1863, deformed from birth / unsound mind, d 18 MAR 1914 in North Dumfries, Waterloo
John TAIT, b 2 MAR 1869 in Ontario, son of “Alexander and Margaret Tait” according to marriage record, however found in 1881 residing with siblings and mother shown as Isabella, of Scottish origin, res 1888 in Galt, Wellington, Ontario, Canada, married 18 FEB 1888 in Guelph, Wellington, Ontario, Canada to Matilda Louise HARWOOD, b 27 JUN 1870 in ?, res 1888 in Georgetown, Ontario, dtr of Robert Harwood and Mary Ann. John is recorded as an “iron moulder” on the birth registrations of his children. Res 1901 in Waterloo Township South, Waterloo County, Ontario, Canada. res 1891 in Preston, Waterloo.
Beatrice Ellen TAIT, b 12 SEP 1889 in Galt, Waterloo (Wellington), Ontario, Canada
Mary Louise TAIT, b 3 APR 1891 in Preston, Waterloo (Wellington), Ontario, Canada
Elma M TAIT, b 11 MAY 1893 in Waterloo County, Ontario, Canada
Robert Clinton/Clifton TAIT, b 17 JUL 1898 in Preston, Waterloo (Wellington), Ontario, Canada
Jessie TAIT, b 1871 in Waterloo South, Ontario, Canada
Leonard’s brother-in-law, John Black, who married Margaret Ord (see Ord of Puslinch page), came from the Free Presbyterian Church in Etal, Northumberland. Current research efforts are being focused there for the Taits. (IGI Batch C002502) Furthermore, John Black’s mother’s name appears to have probably been Tait.
George TAIT b 1799 in Cornhill, d 1851-1861. res 1841 in Bansley Toll, Banslies (not found on map), Ford parish, Glendale (West), Northumberland, England, ag lab; res 1851 in Crammond’s Hill Cottage, Cornhill, farm servant (the estate owner cannot be determined from the census); wife, Margaret b 1801 in Scotland
James L TAIT, b 1821 in Cornhill (on Tweed), Northumberland, res 1841 w/parents; res 1851 w/ parents, farm servant; res 1861 in Cornhill, occ servant to John Nevins; res 1871 in Marldown farm hamlet, Cornhill, Northumberland, ag lab, w widowed mother and sister Jane.
Alison TAIT, b abt 1826 in Northumberland, res 1841 w/parents
John TAIT, b 1831 in Cornhill, res 1841 w/parents; res 1851 w/parents, farm servant
Catherine TAIT, b abt 1831 in Northumberland, res 1841 w/parents
George TAIT, b 1833 in Cornhill, res 1841 w/parents; res 1851, w/parent; wife, Isabella, b 1835 in Ancroft, Northumberland. res 1871 next door to mother, siblings James and Jane. occ 1871 ag lab.
Euphemia, b 1861 in Cornhill
George, b 1863 in Cornhill
Margaret L, b 1865 in Cornhill
Sarah TAIT, b 1835 in Cornhill, res 1841 w/parents, res 1851 w/parents
Isabella TAIT, b 1837, res 1841 w/parents, not found 1851
Jane TAIT b 1840 in Ford, Northumberland, res 1841 w/parents (transcribed as “James”), res 1851 w/parents. res 1871 w/widowed mother.
Margaret TAIT, b 1788 in Carham, Nthd, res 1851 in Cornhill Village, Cornhill, w/ bro John
John TAIT, b 1790 in Carham, Nthd, res 1851 in Cornhill Village, Cornhill, occ packman, res w/ sister Margaret. John is shown in 1851 as married, presumably widowed.
Robert TAIT, b 1807 in Cornhill, res 1851 in Cornhill Village, Cornhill, occ butcher; wife Alice, b 1813 in Cornhill
Mary TAIT, b 1834 in Cornhill
John TAIT, b 1840 in Cornhill
Elizabeth TAIT, b 1843 in Cornhill
Cornhill not a parish in 1841, but seems to be split between Carham and Tilmouth
John TAIT, b 1803 in Coldmouth Nthd (1861) or Scotland (1851), res 1841 Presson, Carham, Glendale (West), Northumberland, England, shepherd; res 1851 in Harper Ridge, Tilmouth (Cornhill), Nthd, farmer; res 1861 on St. Cuthbert’s Farm, Cornhill, occ farming 478 acres, employing 7 men (in 1851 St. Cuthbert’s was occupied by Edward Mitchell, a 67 year old unmarried retired farmer with no family, who appears to have died bef 1861, by which time John Tait acquired St. Cuthbert’s Farm; whether by purchase or inheritance is not known); wife Margaret, b 1806-1809 in Scotland
Jane TAIT, b 1829 in Nthd, res 1841 & 1851 w/parents
Joseph TAIT, b 1832 in Nthd, res 1841 & 1851 w/parents
Isabella TAIT, b 1834 in Nthd, res 1841 & 1851 w/parents
John TAIT, b 1836 in Carham, Nthd, res 1841 & 1851 w/parents; res 1861 at Harper Ridge farm (described as part of St. Cuthbert’s farm), occ farming with father; wife Jane, b 1835 in Cornhill
John TAIT, b 1859 in Australia
George TAIT, b 1839 in Carham, Nthd, farm steward, res 1841 & 1851 w/parents; res 1861 w/parents
Margaret TAIT, b 1842 in Carham, Nthd, res 1851 & 1861 w/parents
Mary TAIT, b 1842 in Carham, Nthd, res 1851 & 1861 w/parents
William TAIT, b 1846 in Carham, Nthd, res 1851 & 1861 w/parents
Catherine TAIT, b MAR 1851 in Harper Ridge, Cornhill, res 1851 & 1861 w/parents
Also at Harper Ridge in 1851:
William TAIT, b 1810 in Ford, Nthd, res 1851 at Harper Ridge, Tilmouth (Cornhill), ag lab; wife Jane ___ b 1811 in Tinsel?, Nthd
Margaret TAIT, b 1837 in Norham, Nthd, res 1851 w/parents
Eliza TAIT, b 1840 in Norham, Nthd, res 1851 w/parents
Robert TAIT, b 1842 in Norham, Nthd, res 1851 w/parents
Thomas TAIT, b 1844 in Norham, Nthd, res 1851 w/parents
Jane TAIT, b 1846 in Harper Ridge, Nthd, res 1851 w/parents
Isabella TAIT, b 1848 in Harper Ridge, Nthd, res 1851 w/parents
1861 – James TAIT, b 1816 in Tweedsmouth, Nthd, res 1861 in Plough Cottage, Cornhill (on Tweed), ag lab, wife Anne, b 1821 in Ford, Nthd
Jesse TAIT, b 1852 in Tweedsmouth, Nthd
Mary TAIT, b 1853 in Tweedsmouth, Nthd
Margaret TAIT, b 1856 in America
Barbara TAIT, b 1858 in America
Ann TAIT, b 1859 in America
Mary TAIT, b 1795 in Chalton, Nthd, res 1861 in New Heaton, Cornhill, widow, fundholder
Isabella TAIT, b 1821 in Kirknewton, Nthd, (dtr, unm)
Margaret TAIT, 1860?(illeg) in Kirknewton?, Nthd, (grdtr)
Grace TAIT, b 1850 in Norham, Nthd (visitor)
Other Leonard Tait in Northumberland, England
The only other Leonard Tait found in Northumberland census records is:
Unknown (John?) TAIT b ca 1790, d bef 1841, occ “farm lord” and Martha ___, b 1795 in Folly/Norham, Northumberland. res 1841 in Lowick, Glendale (East), Northumberland, England with son John.
John TAIT, b 1821 in Cornhill, Northumberland, res 1841 in Lowick, Glendale (East), Northumberland with mother, occ coal miner. res 1851 – Braehead, Scremerston Eccl parish, Ord Civil parish, Berwick, Islandshire, Northumberland, England, with mother, wife and children, occ coal miner. res 1861 Scremerston, Northumberland, England with mother, wife and children, occ coal miner. wife, Margaret TAIT, b 1823 in Berwick, Northumberland.
John TAIT, b 1844/45 in Bowsden (1851) or Lowick (1861). res 1851 & 61 with parents. occ 1861 labourer in a coal mine
Leonard TAIT, b 1845/46 in Felkington(51) or Norham(61), occ 1861 labourer in a coal mine. res 1881, 1891 & 1901 in Lowick Village, district of Glendale, parish of Lowick, Northumberland, England, coal miner, with wife and children. m JAN 1869 in Berwick, Northumberland to Isabella SUTHERLAND, b 1848 in Scotland
John TAIT, b 1867 in Scramerston, Northumberland, res 1881 with parents, occ coal miner. not with parents in 1891
George Wm. TAIT, b 1871 in Lowick, Northumberland, res 1881 & 91 with parents, occ carter (91). bap 6 APR 1868 in Scremerston, Northumberland
Walter TAIT, b 1873 in Bedlington(81) or Choppington(91), Northumberland, res 1881 & 91 with parents, occ carter
Leonard TAIT, b 1875 in Bedlington(81) or Choppington(91), Northumberland, res 1881 & 91 with parents, occ carter
William S. (or I.) TAIT, b 1878 in Bedlington(81) or Choppington(91), Northumberland, res 1881 & 91 with parents
Robert TAIT, b 1880 in Ancroft, Northumberland, res 1881 & 91 with parents, not in 1901
Elizabeth I. TAIT, b 1886 in Lowick, Northumberland, res 1891 with parents, not in 1901
James TAIT, b 1889 in Lowick, Northumberland, res 1891 & 1901 with parents (only child with parents in 1901)
Rachel TAIT, b 1850 in Unthank Square or Tweedsmouth, Northumberland
Mary TAIT, 1852 in Tweedsmouth, Northumberland
Martha TAIT, b 1854 in Ancroft, Northumberland
Margaret TAIT, b 1859 in Ancroft, Northumberland
Elisabeth TAIT, b FEB 1861 in Ancroft, Northumberland
Residing 1891 three houses away from Thomas ORD, 47, Bedford, Northumberland, wife Mary Ann, 43, sons Thomas and James.
George Leonard TAIT m OCT 1901 to Elizabeth Helen Hope or Janet Mary G. Smith
Other Glendale Taits
Robert TAIT, b 1791, res 1841 in Carham, Glendale (West), Northumberland, shepherd
Jane TAIT, b. 1796. All born in Northumberland.
Margaret TAIT, b 1821
John TAIT, b. 1826
Jane TAIT, b. 1826
Grace TAIT, b. 1827
Sarah TAIT, b. 1829
Catrine TAIT, b 1831
Thomas TAIT, b. 1834
Sarah TAIT, b. 1781
John Jeffrey, 25, ag lab.
Alexander TAIT, blacksmith, 59, b 1782, res 1841 in Kilham, Glendale (West), Northumberland, England, born Scotland!!!!!
Ann TAIT, 60, b Nthd, b 1781
John TAIT 20, b 1821, blacksmith journeyman
Henry TAIT, b 1823, 18, blacksmith apprentice
Mary TAIT 17
possible marriage: Alexander TATE and Ann TAYLOR, m 15 APR 1811 Christ Church, Tynemouth, Northumberland, England (3 other possibles)
Possible child (LDS member submitted)
Elizabeth TAIT, bap 7 JUL 1819, Old Grey Friars, Edinburgh, Midlothian, dtr of Alexander and Ann Tait.
George TAIT, b 1796, ag lab, res 1841 Doddington, Glendale (East), Northumberland, England
Ann TAIT, 35, b Scotland
Andrew TAIT, 20, Nbld
Jane 15
Elizabeth 15
John, 13
George 9
Ann 6
Thos 5
Ellen 5
Margt 2
Lancelot TAIT, b 1791 in Northumberland, tailor, res 1841 Doddington, Glendale (East), Northumberland, England (3 doors from George)
Philis TAIT, 1828 in Northumberland
Luke TAIT, 1833 in Northumberland
Henry TAIT, 65, res 1841 in Wooler, Glendale (East), Northumberland, born SCOTLAND
Eliza TAIT, 65, b Nthd
Ann, 13
Eliza, 11
Henry, 11
James Wilson TAIT, 5
Mary TAIT, 55, b Nthd, res 1841 in South Earle, Doddington, Glendale (East), Northumberland
Selida TAIT, 30, b Nthd
Elizabeth TAIT, 20, Scotland, female servant
Res with Thomas LELLY (LOLLY, POLLY?), 85, b Nthd, independent
Ann LELLY, 45, b ENG
Charles LELLY, 25, b Nthd
Ann BLUCKE (Black?), 55, b ENG
Thomas DUNN, 30, farm bailiff
Jane KERR, 15, female servantRes near Ralph TAIT, 15, shepherd, b Nthd
William TAIT, 40, Nthd, miller
William TAIT, 55, b Nthd, ag lab, res 1841 Chatton, Glendale (East), Northumberland
Isabella TAIT, 55 Nthd
Jane TAIT, 25 Nthd
Robert TAIT, 20 Nthd, ag lab
Margaret TAIT, 57, Nthd, ag lab, res 1841 Lowick, Glendale (East), Northumberland, res with John Ferguson, 58 Nthd, ag lab, and Mary Ferguson, 56, Nthd
Mary TAIT, 40, Scotland, Fem serv to James Cairns occ Steward, res 1841 Doddington, Glendale (East)
Leonard Tait’s Parents?
For fellow researchers of this family: It is significant to note that Mary Tait and Hugh Stewart used various maternal surnames for the middle names for their children including: Tait, Ord, Gillespie, and Albert. All but the name Albert can be accounted for in the present genealogy. Tait and Ord come from Mary’s parents, Leonard Tait and Jane Ord, and Gillespie is Hugh’s mother’s maiden name. However no corresponding person has been found with a surname of Albert. Robert Tait also named his first born son Albert. It is speculated therefore that Leonard Tait’s mother’s maiden name may have been Albert.
It should also be noted that the name Albert occurs below in the Beverly Taits as one of the children of Andrew and Tirzah Tait.
The Beverly Taits
There are very few occurrences of the surname Tait in the area of Puslinch and they are all depicted below. It is believed that all the following persons come from the same family of origin. It is further believed that this family had its origins on Coldstream, Berwickshire, Scotland, which is where the family of Jane Ord (wife of Leonard Tait above) came from and is right across the river from where it is believed that our Leonard Tait may have come from in Norham or Etal, Northumberland, both of which are only about 8km from Coldstream.
I have referred to these Taits as the “Beverly Taits” as most of them seem to have lived in or near Beverly Township, Wentworth County, Ontario, which is just south of Puslinch. It is believed, but not proven, that the Beverly Taits (below) came from the following family of origin:
James Tait
James TAIT, born about 1781 in Scotland and recorded at his marriage as being “of Stow, Midlothian”, married on 12 MAY 1806 in Coldstream, Berwick, Scotland to Agnes Cairns. They had the following children:
- Helen TAIT, b: 3 MAR 1807 in Stow, Midlothian, Scotland, baptized: 12 APR 1807, Stow, Midlothian, Scotland
- James TAIT, b: 25 MAR 1809 in Stow, Midlothian, Scotland, baptized: 30 APR 1809, Stow, Midlothian, Scotland. He is presumed to have died young prior to the birth of his same-named half-brother.
- Walter TAIT, b: 9 JUL 1811 in Stow, Midlothian, Scotland, baptized: 11 AUG 1811, Stow, Midlothian, Scotland. He is presumed to have died young prior to the birth of his same-named half-brother.
- Robert TAIT, b: 9 JUL 1811 in Stow, Midlothian, Scotland, baptized: 11 AUG 1811 Stow, Midlothian, Scotland
- Andrew TAIT, b: 24 DEC 1818 in Stow, Midlothian, Scotland, baptized 21 MAR 1819, Stow, Midlothian, Scotland. He is believed, but not confirmed, to be the Andrew Tait found later in Beverly Township, Wentworth County, Ontario, shown below.
It is believed but not confirmed that this same James Tait married secondly on 2 FEB 1821 in Stow, Midlothian, Scotland to Mary FOWLER and had the following children:
- Agnes TAIT, b: 15 AUG 1821 in Dod, Heriot, Midlothian, Scotland.
- James TAIT, b: 20 AUG 1822 in Dod, Heriot, Midlothian, Scotland.
- William TAIT, b: 23 OCT 1824 in Dod, Heriot, Midlothian, Scotland.
- Janet TAIT, b: 10 AUG 1826 in Dod, Heriot, Midlothian, Scotland.
- Edward Hume TAIT, b: 27 SEP 1829 in Dod, Heriot, Midlothian, Scotland.
- Walter TAIT, b: 6 AUG 1832 in Dod, Heriot, Midlothian, Scotland. He is believed, but not confirmed, to be the Walter Tait found later in Beverly Township, Wentworth County, Ontario, shown below.
- George TAIT, b: 8 JUN 1834 in Dod, Heriot, Midlothian, Scotland.
- Mary TAIT, b: 28 MAR 1836 in Dod, Heriot, Midlothian, Scotland.
- Elizabeth TAIT, b: 18 NOV 1840 in Dod, Heriot, Midlothian, Scotland.
Tait Families in Beverly Township, Wentworth County, Ontario
The following families were found living in or near Beverly Township, south Puslinch, or north Flamborough in various census records during the mid to late 1800s. It is believed that they may all come from the same above family of origin above. It is believed that they may be related to Leonard Tait in the principal family shown at the top of this page.
Andrew TAIT was born abt 1821 in Scotland. Although in the 1850s he was living in nearby Flamborough, it appears that he may be the brother of Walter and William Tait of Beverly. Andrew married Tirzah CULP, born 1825 in Ontario of Dutch origin, daughter of Rev. David Culp of Waterdown. (Tirzah is also the surname of a known local family.) In 1881 this family is found living in Orford, Bothwell County, Ontario (near present-day Ridgetown in Kent County) and working as factory labourers. They had the following known children and probably others:
- James TAIT, b: NOV 1848. Died as a child. Recorded as “son of Andrew and Tirzah Tait, grandson of Rev. David Culp, died in Waterdown, age 3 years, 3 mos, 31 JAN 1852.”
- Jennie TAIT b:25 JUL 1853 in Ontario. She is found in 1901 living in Orford with her brother Albert.
- W. Bernice TAIT, b: 1858 in Ontario
- Albert A. TAIT, b: 16 MAY 1859 in Ontario. He is found in 1901 living in Orford with his sister Jennie.
- A. Vincent TAIT, b: 1862 in Ontario
- Ada TAIT, b: 1864 in Ontario
Walter TAIT, b: 1832 in Scotland and living in Beverly Township in 1881. Shown as “married” but living alone in 1881, working as a carriage maker.
William TAIT, b: 1835 in Scotland. William married a woman named Isabella, whose surname is unknown, and who was born in 1853 in Ontario. Isabella is shown as a widow in the 1901 census. They were living in Beverly Township in 1881 and 1901. They had the following known children:
- Walter C. TAIT, b: 15 SEP 1879 in Beverly Township, Wentworth County, Ontario
- John M. Tait, born 20 SEP 1881 in Beverly Township, Wentworth County, Ontario
- James Tait, born 15 MAR 1888 in Beverly Township, Wentworth County, Ontario
Other Nearby Tait Families
1901 Census
It is believed that the following Taits are all related to the Beverly Taits above.
John Tait
John Tait, born 4 JAN 1875 in Ontario of Scottish origin, can be found in the Brantford East district of Wentworth County. His occupation appears to be listed as “messenger” although the handwriting is uncertain. His wife Eleanor was born 7 AUG 1876 in Ontario of English origins. Their religion is listed as Congregationalist. They have no children in 1901.
Franklin Tate
Franklin Tate, born 12 JAN 1871 in Ontario, but of English origin, can be found in the Blenheim district of Wentworth County. His occupation is illegible. He could also be a sibling of the above family, but the “English” origin raises doubts. His wife, Agatha, was born 1 OCT 1874 in Ontario of English origin. Their religion is listed as Methodists. They had the following child by 1901:
- Walter Tate, born 10 APR 1898 in Ontario.
Frank J. Tait
The following household represent the only other Taits in Orford (see Andrew above) in 1901.
Samuel H. Gilmore, b: 2 DEC 1866 in Ontario, and his wife Jennie H. Gorham, b: 20 MAR 1865 in Ontario, are found in 1881 living with Jennie’s mother, Hannah Gorham, b: 11 FEB 1829 in England (immigrated in 1831) and the following two step children:
- Frank J. TAIT, b: 22 AUG 1888 in Ontario
- Alma E. TAIT, b: 16 FEB 1890 in Ontario.
Jessie Tait
The following family is found living in Meaford, Grey County, Ontario in 1901 sharing the names Vincent and Frank as common above. Jessie Tait cannot be found in the 1881 census.
5 | 14 | 48 | Tait Jessie | M | Head | M | Jun 19 | 1850 | 50 | ||
5 | 15 | 48 | Tait Amilia? A. | F | Wife | M | Jun 20 | 1850 | 50 | ||
5 | 16 | 48 | Tait Hilda M. | F | Daughter | S | Aug 1 | 1880 | 20 | ||
5 | 17 | 48 | Tait Vincent | M | Son | S | Aug 10 | 1882 | 18 | ||
5 | 18 | 48 | Tait Frank | M | Son | S | Sep 7 | 1890 | 10 | ||
5 | 19 | 48 | Sparling Dora | F | M- in Law | W | Sep 1 | 1830 | 70 |
Killean Cemetery
J. H. Tait
The following Tait burials are all found in the Fergusson family section at Killean Cemetery in West Puslinch Township, Wellington County, Ontario, near Beverly.
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Margaret Fergusson, wife of J. H. Tait, 1882-1949. (J. H. Tait is presumably buried elsewhere.) |
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Belle-Mary Tait 1916 -1992 |
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Elsie R. Tait April 1920 – Feb 2000. |